
West Moray, Nairn & Dava Map

Mountain & gravel biking map of West Moray, Nairn and Dava

West Moray, Nairn & Dava Map
West Moray, Nairn & Dava Map
Gravel and mountain biking map extending from Grantown/Tomatin to the Moray coast. West Moray, Nairn and Dava Moor.
West Moray, Nairn & Dava Map£13.00
620 x 320 folded to 180x 80

Trailmaps West Moray, Nairn & Dava Map

The West Moray, Nairn and Dava map covers a vast area of over 1800 sq km from Grantown and Tomatin north to the Moray Firth coast.  The map extends from the Spey valley in the east to Tomatin and the A9 in the west. It covers the wild landscapes of  Dava Moor and huge forested areas such as Altyre, Darnaway and Cawdor . Adjacent to the coast is the Laich of Moray with its many sand dune forests and rich arable land.

The map is printed on waterproof paper at a size of 62 x 32 cm and folded into a compact size of 18 x 8 cm. Most importantly it shows and grades all the known cycling trails and they are clearly annotated with hazards such as locked gates.

* Trails graded for MTB & gravel bikes

* 4 grades of single and double track

* Grantown, Forres, Nairn, Slochd, Tomatin and Cawdor

* The Dava Way,  Lochindorb, Culbin, Darnaway and Roseisle

* Rothes, Paul's Hill, Tom na Clach, Moy, Logie & Berry Burn Wind Farms

* The Moray Coast Trail to Lossiemouth.

* Speyside Way from Grantown to Knockando

 * Sustrans Route 1 & 7

The map covers an huge area in Moray, Nairn and Dava Moor, loocated on the edge on the Moray Firth. Moray and Nairn have excellent transport links including regular bus and train services from both Aberdeen and Inverness.

ISBN 978-1-906184-36-0


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